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ARCO is a precision 2-in-1 coffee grinder that can be used as an electric grinder or as a manual grinder. Easy grind setting with the revolutionary grind setting ring. Single dose grinder that holds up to 50g of coffee at once.


With a total of 120 settings, it produces different types of grinds for all kinds of drinks ranging from espresso and ibrik, to French press and cold brew.


ARCO 2in1 Grinder

Size/mm:(HxWxD) 280 x 92 x 190 mmWeight:3000g/6.6 Lbs


ARCO Hand Grinder

Size/mm:(HxWxD) 200 x 62 x 190 mmWeight:800g/1.76 Lbs


Both Version

Catcher capacity: up to 50gConical burr size: 47mm (outer), 32mm (inner)Motor: High speed AC motor reduced to 360 rpmNoise level: 65 dBPower source: 110V or 220V

ARCO 二合一磨豆機採可拆卸設計,合體時它是電動磨豆機,拆下機體它又成為可獨立運作的手動磨豆器。盛裝咖啡豆及咖啡粉末的容器,每次最多可容納 50 g 的咖啡豆。


刻度設定環 (Setting Ring) 上共有 120 組研磨粗細度可供調整,且基本設定分為 R1:Ibrik (土耳其咖啡)、R2:Espresso (濃縮咖啡)、 R3:Filter (濾泡式咖啡),以及 R4:Cold Brew (冷萃咖啡) 四種類別。

Arco 2合1電動磨豆機

單位尺寸/mm:(HxWxD) 280 x 92 x 190 mm


Arco 手搖磨豆機

單位尺寸/mm:(HxWxD) 200 x 62 x 190 mm

重量:800g/1.76 Lbs


單次磨豆量:高達50g刀盤尺寸:47 mm (外刀徑) ; 32 mm (內刀徑)馬達:高速AC馬達360rpm機械音量:65dB電源規格:110V/220V

ARCO 咖啡研磨機 Coffee Grinder

PriceFrom HK$1,980.00
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